Why it’s great to fail your new year’s resolutions

Reading Time: 5 minutes Getting comfortable with failure leads to better goals, helps you learn what works and moves away from a fixed mindset. I love new year’s. At a pinch I might even choose New Year over Christmas and all its forced consumerism. New Year is a chance to reset, refresh, reflect – looking both backwards and forwards. … More Why it’s great to fail your new year’s resolutions

Uprated skills

Reading Time: 2 minutes To follow on from underrated skills. In a remote world where everything’s changed and long-term is next month, which skills have gained in importance? Starting with “I’m not sure“ False certainty can be a huge risk at the best of times, even more so when the world has changed and no-one really knows for sure … More Uprated skills

Think like a …

Reading Time: < 1 minute We put knowledge into silos But there’s value in the wisdom that comes from “thinking like” someone else (from the work of @ShaneAParrish @JamesClear @ScottAdamsSays ) Think like a behavioral psychologist: what are the incentives? What are the relevant cognitive biases in play? What are the second order effects Like an evolutionary biologist: what are … More Think like a …

Notes on a decade

Reading Time: < 1 minute At the start of the current decade … We had a labour prime minister in Downing Street and a democrat president in the white house. The FTSE was at 5400 (today, 7400) the S&P 500 at 1100 (today 3100) and (10 year) gilt yields were above 4%. The largest companies in the world were, Walmart, … More Notes on a decade

The Days are Long but the Years are Short – How to Reflect on a Decade

Reading Time: 4 minutes The end of the year is a great time for reflection, the end of the decade, is the sort of milestone that only comes around a handful of times in our adult life and is special indeed. This is a rare chance – if we choose to take it – to look back, reflect on … More The Days are Long but the Years are Short – How to Reflect on a Decade