My Top 6 Books of 2018

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Prisoners of Geography

This book was a massive “AHA” moment for me: rivers, mountains, seas, plains, boundaries and why they mean, almost everything.

Shoe Dog

I’ll never look at a pair of Nikes the same way again. A business non-fiction that reads like a novel. A great real life tale combining sports and business entrepreneurship with vision and purpose.


Groups are charged with making all sorts of important decisions – especially in finance. Unfortunately they often fail in myriad ways, this short book provides a neat and meticulous study of why groups can let us down and what can be done to fix it.

The Behavioral Investor: 

Should be required reading for all who work in asset management. Takes the study beyond the by now well-known basics of behavioral bias and gets to real actionable insight which is relevant for both individual and professional investors alike.

The Course of Love

I don’t read much fiction but this is beautifully written, painfully real, poignant and thought-provoking.


Don’t believe the fear-mongers, when you look at the facts there really has never been a better time to be alive. Didn’t read this straight through in one go, but enjoyable to dip in and out of.

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